Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sempoi Sambai Tumis Tempe, Ikan Bilis + Kacang

My all time favorite - tempeh (fermented soyabean), dried anchovies & peanuts! Best part of this simple, ease-my-life dish is it can be kept quite sometime in an airtight container. Kalau ada ubi kentang hiris halus goreng boh sekali lagi sedap :), tapi semalam tak dan buat ;)

2 camca besar pes cili (blend cili kering+bawang merah+belacan) atau guna yang readymade / 2 tablespoon cili paste (blend dried chillies+shallots+shrimp paste; I used Chiliz brand, nasi lemak sambal)
250gm tempe, dadu & goreng / 150gm tempeh, cut into squares & deep fried
50gm kacang tanah, goreng (saya guna kacang dalam peket @ Tong Garden's) / 50gm peanuts, deep fried for a while (I used ready to eat, salted peanuts)
70gm ikan bilis yang telah dibelah dua, goreng / 70gm driend anchovies, deep fried till crisp
1 bawang besar, dihiris / 1 brown onion, sliced
3 camca besar air asam jawa / 3 tablespoon tamarind juice
2 camca kecil gula / 2 teaspoon sugar
secubit garam / a pinch of salt

- panaskan minyak, tumis bawang hingga lembut / heat oil, fry onion till softened
- masukkan pes cili, tumis sehingga naik bau / add chilli paste, stir fry till fragrant
- masukkan air asam jawa, gaul / add tamarind juice, stir
- masukkan gula & kacau / add sugar, mix
- perlahankan api, masukkan tempe, ikan bilis dan kacang, gaul sebati / reduce heat, add tempeh, anchovies and peanuts, mix well
- masukkan garam secukup rasa / add salt to taste
- hidang panas / serves hot

Selamat mencuba .. :) Happy trying ... :)

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