This is a family favorite, inherited from my dad's side. Simple to do and nice to taste :)
For 6 people:
300 gm glutinous rice flour / tepung pulut
5 tablespoon water / 5 sudu besar air
Color / Pewarna (depends on your preference / bergantung kepada citarasa anda)
Water / air 1 liter
- mix flour with water til form soft dough (the consistency should allow you to to roll into small balls) / gaul tepung dengan air hingga sebati menajdi doh lembut (hingga bole dibulatkan2)
- divide into equal portion according to colors you want / bahagikan sama rata mengikut warna2 yang anda inginkan
- while preparing the balls, boil water on medium heat till boiling / sementara menyiapkan bebola tepung, rebuskan air
- once water boiling, put in flour balls moderate amount at a time, balls will be cooked enough when it floats, scoop with strainer and put in a bowl of cold water to prevent them from sticking / bila air mendidih, masukkan bebola tepung (jangan terlalu banyak), bebola akan maska bila ia terapung, ceduk dengan penapis dan masukkan ke dalam semangkuk air untuk menghalang ia dari melekat
Broth / Kuah
2 cups coconut cream / 2 cawan santan pekat
1 cup air / 1 cawan air
1/2 teaspoon salt / 1/2 sudu teh garam
1/4 cups sugar / 1/4 cawan gula (adjust according to your preferred sweetness / mengikut citarasa anda)
1 teaspoon funegreek seeds / 1 sudu teh biji halba
1 piece of pandanus leave / sehelai daun pandan
- place all ingredients in a medium saucepan and cook over medium low heat, switch off heat once boiling / masakkan semua bahan di dalam periuk sederhana atas api sederhana, tutup api bila kuah mendidih
- put in the flour balls into the broth and stir to mix well / masukkan bebola tepung ke dalam kuah dan gaulkan rata
- serves warm / hidang bila agak suam
Happy trying / selamat mencuba...:)
![Cafe Sempoi](
Salam, welcome to my virtual cafe :). Its just a place for me to share my passion of cooking. I am no masterchef nor a trained kitchen hand, I'm just an exuberant lover of food who feels that cooking is one of the greatest gift from Allah that can entice feelings & emotions. I hope this cafe can be a place for you to share your passion, knowledge, thoughts about food & cooking, as well as a place of sharing good (even sad) times with others just like in an actual cafe.
bubur kekicak?1st time akak dgr nama nampak yummy
ReplyDeletelaa k ina sorry baru noticed comment akak ni. hehehe ni makanan orang Banjar ;). sedapp..try laa
Deletehehehe...kulaan dish..
ReplyDeleteoh hehehe..saya 1/2 kulaan :) ni mmg favorite dish family.